Bombay Bhel Puri: Indian street food.
Indian Street food for large gatherings. (Great for Grad party!)
A multi textured and-flavored street food that is easy to serve buffet style. This was that guilty pleasure of our summer holidays, banned by many mothers who could not trust the water or the grimy fingernails of street vendors. Being truants, we found our way to a plate, or two, or three. Now, nostalgia is scented by those humid, summer days, with thick ceramic saucer, salivating in front of the bhel-puri stand. No visit home is complete without several celebrations with this instant-party food.
Spiced puffed rice: Crunchy puffed rice tempered with curry leaves and spices.
Potatoes: Gently seasoned with turmeric and salt to provide body.
Chick peas: seasoned with mustard oil and lemon
Corriander chutney: A tart, piquant condiment to spice up the mix.
Tamarind-date chutney: A sweet and sour condiment to complement the spice.
Minted yogurt: A sauce to provide cooling balance.
Class size: 8-10 Suggested Donation: $85